607 Foothill Blvd.

P.O. Box 1310 La Cañada,
CA 91012


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Glendale Eucalyptus Tree Removal

Glendale Eucalyptus Tree Removal

Job done in the city of Glendale CA

Our team of experts was recently sent to a residential house in Glendale, CA to remove a eucalyptus tree in the backyard. The tree was quite large and needed special equipment to be removed safely from this property. We used a boom lift to reach the top of the tree and then proceeded with cutting it down into sections. We used specialized tools like chainsaws and chippers to cut up and remove the wood from the backyard of the property. Our team also took care of cleaning up any debris left behind after the removal process was completed. We have successfully removed this eucalyptus tree without any damage or disruption to the surrounding property or environment.